Blazbluextag Wiki
Blazbluextag Wiki
Overview Gameplay Image Gallery Quotes Story Roles

Character Introduction[]

  • Let sorrows pile upon me. I will face them all to my fullest extent! Commencing anti-tank combat! Engage! I am the indomitable Thunder God!

Battle Quotes[]

  • "I am the storm." (Idle)
  • "Eh?! How are you're still standing?!" (6k damage)
  • "May you rest, soldier." (8k damage)
  • "I am the Thunder God! I do not know defeat." (10k damage)
  • "Here!" (Reversal Action)
  • "Come on!" (Reversal Action)
  • "Duh-oh!" (Grab fail)
  • "Too slow!" (Throw Escape)
  • "Outrageous!" (Throw Escape)
  • "What the-!" (Escaped Throw)
  • "Mission accepted!" (Duo Change)
  • "Affirmative!" (Duo Change)
  • "My score is enlightened!" (Cross Combo)
  • "Free from desire!" (Cross Combo)
  • "You need to stand down." (Cross Combo Duo Change)
  • "I trust you." (Cross Combo Duo Change)
  • "I can't be defeated!" (Defeated)
  • "It will take... more than... Death..." (Defeated)
  • "I'll make this hurt!" (When partner is down)
  • "I hope you're ready!" (When partner is down)
  • "Failure becomes me." (Time Up)
  • "You've got some fight." (Time Up)
  • "Blitz Motor, maximized!" (Resonance Blaze)
  • "Eeeeyaaaahh!!!" (Resonance Blaze)
  • "Roar of Thunder!" (Performing Astral Heat)
  • "Eahhh!!!" (Performing Astral Heat)
  • "May the blossoming of my country forever bloom! Ze-yah! Let evil scatter before me! Zen-Ouka-Kai!" (Astral Heat)

Assist Quotes[]

  • "After them!" (any partner skill character)
  • "Come!" (any partner skill character)

Pre-Battle Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Ragna: I'm warnin' ya, I don't know how to go easy.
Akatsuki: I'm counting on it. Charge!

Iron Tager

Tager: Voltage, hydraulics, all green. Revolution threshold exceeded...!
Akatsuki: Engine activated... Battle voltage achieved!

Makoto Nanaya

Akatsuki: Have you devised a strategy?
Makoto: You bet! Get in there and kick their asses!
Akatsuki: Roger that.


Azrael: You got somethin' tasty on ya, don't you?
Akatsuki: Hm? No food to my knowledge...

Naoto Kurogane

Naoto K.: Whoever these guys are, they won't be easy...
Akatsuki: And neither will we!

Jubei Mitsuyoshi

Akatsuki: Ah, a sword-wielding cat... I'm clearly delirious.
Jubei: Don't worry, I won't slow ya down none.

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yosuke Hanamura

Akatsuki: I am the Thunder God!
Yosuke: Guess that makes me the Wind God!

Akihiko Sanada

Akatsuki: Whether it be a sea of blades or a hail of bullets!
Akihiko: No obstacle can stand in our way!


Akatsuki: Aegis, watch my six!
Aegis: Roger. I will keep you safe!

Under Night In-Birth[]

Hyde Kido

Akatsuki: Prepare yourselves for an all-out war!
Hyde: Yeah! Wait, no, that sounds nuts!

Orie Ballardiae

Akatsuki: You have a burden on your shoulders, too.
Orie: Yes. Which is why I cannot back down here.

Hilda the Paradox

Hilda: Now, how can we best tease these two?
Akatsuki: Do not underestimate them. Use your full power and win.


Yang Xiao Long

Yang: No holds barred! I'm cranking up to 11!
Akatsuki: Then I shall follow in kind!

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: Let's give 'em a big serving of love!
Akatsuki: Love!?


  • Let misfortune pile upon me!
  • If you wish to defeat me then bring an army!
  • Sorry, but I'll be taking the lead.
  • I will snuff out every spark that rains upon me!
  • I entrust my back to you!
  • All troops! Engage!

Victory Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Ragna: You heard what I said. I don't go easy.
Akatsuki: A little late for regrets now.

Iron Tager

Akatsuki: Combatants neutralized. Battle complete.
Tager: Hardly any need for a damage report.

Makoto Nanaya

Makoto: Yikes. Think we should've dialed that back a bit?
Akatsuki: Negative. We should refrain from deploying power incrimentally.


Azrael: That thing's got some kick to it! Not bad!
Akatsuki: Ah, so that's what's tasty...

Naoto Kurogane

Akatsuki: They made for worthy foes.
Naoto K.: Ones who I never wanna see again.

Jubei Mitsuyoshi

Jubei: Thinkin' a little more clearly now?
Akatsuki: It seems an apology is in order...

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yosuke Hanamura

Akatsuki: Battle complete.
Yosuke: Thunder and Wind, still kickin' ass!

Akihiko Sanada

Akatsuki: Go back to bootcamp, rookie.
Akihiko: Train up and challenge us again.


Akatsuki: We've won. You make for a fine aegis, Aegis.
Aegis: And you a fine commander. It was an honor.

Under Night In-Birth[]

Hyde Kido

Akatsuki: Now to interrogate them.
Hyde: Righ-- gah! No, dammit, calm down!

Orie Ballardiae

Orie: We will not be swayed from our purpose.
Akatsuki: Not until our missions are complete.

Hilda the Paradox

Hilda: Ahahaha! Was I a little too playful?
Akatsuki: And that was only a third of her power...


Yang Xiao Long

Yang: Wow! Talk about electrifying!
Akatsuki: Perhaps my voltage was too high.

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: Now you know the power of love!
Akatsuki: Love's more dangerous than I thought.


  • "I am the indomitable Thunder God!"
  • "I expected more... You should know your place."
  • "Situation contained. Resuming mission."
  • "Even if my body dies, my soul will protect my country!"
  • "Is that all you got?" (Win by Time Up)
  • "Stand up, you coward!" (Win by Time Up)
  • "None will stand in our way!" (with a different partner)
  • "Cooperative mission: successful." (with a different partner)

Victory Screen Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Akatsuki: What immense power... "Grim Reaper" is certainly appropriate.
Ragna: Heh. Says the "Thunder God". You were pretty wild back there too.

Iron Tager

Tager: I've gotten a good look at your skills now. The way you tear across the battlefield really is worthy of the moniker "Thunder God".
Akatsuki: I'm just grateful I lived long enough to fight alongside the "Red Devil".

Makoto Nanaya

Akatsuki: You fight with a certain purity and strength. I think I'd like to spar with you one day.
Makoto: You're no slouch yourself! If you wanna go, I'm always down for a brawl!


Akatsuki: The Blitz Motor's not something you can control. I wouldn't get too fixated, if I were you.
Azrael: I don't wanna control it, I wanna feast on it! It's the only way I can satisfy my hunger!

Naoto Kurogane

Naoto K.: Man... all these crazy numbers all over the place. This world is messed up.
Akatsuki: I've grown accustomed to fighting in worlds unknown. The key is maintaining an unwavering resolve.

Jubei Mitsuyoshi

Akatsuki: I was shocked by your appearance, but once you drew the blade, I knew I was working with a formidable warrior. Do forgive me for my initial rudeness.
Jubei: Ah, don't sweat it. Nowadays, I'm just a babysitter for my no-good disciple. Still, I'm not about to let some fresh-faced soldier boy show me up.

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yosuke Hanamura

Akatsuki: Gah... I overused my Blitz Motor... Never expected to be undone by an empty stomach.
Yosuke: Whoa, you look pretty bad! Oh, man... I'll go buy you something to eat, so just hang in there!

Akihiko Sanada

Akihiko: How 'bout it, Akatsuki? You up for a match with me? My fists are callin' out for another fight!
Akatsuki: I'd step into the ring... But do you mind if I refuel first?


Akatsuki: You're a walking arsenal... So many weapons, so much technical might! Could I please... ask you to train me?
Aegis: Your Blitz Motor was impressive too, Akatsuki-san! You were moving as fast and striking as hard as lightning!

Under Night In-Birth[]

Hyde Kido

Akatsuki: You're no ordinary schoolboy... Do you intend to do something with all that power?
Hyde: Who knows? For now, I can at least keep the people close to us safe.

Orie Ballardiae

Akatsuki: Orie... I feel as though I saw you in a soap opera once, long ago. Déjà vu or not, you're an excellent combatant.
Orie: I humbly accept your compliment. It's an honor to fight with another champion of law and order.

Hilda the Paradox

Akatsuki: Excuse me, ma'am. Your rather... geisha-like outfit may invite some misunderstandings about our relationship. Couldn't you wear something more... modest?
Hilda: Ugh... Ugly, smelly, AND stupid. This is why I don't like straight-laced men. I'll do what I damn well please.


Yang Xiao Long

Akatsuki: Gauntlets with a revolving magazine... So you fire at your enemies while you punch them? I...would hesitate to call that sane.
Yang: You know you've got an engine inside your stomach, right? It doesn't matter how sane it is, as long as it's cool.

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: Love can't be defeated! It can accomplish anything in the world!
Akatsuki: Given the outcome of our fight, I've no choice but to agree.


  • "Your skills are...remarkable. Can I interest you in joining the army?"
  • "If I may, can I ask you where I can get a bite to eat?"
  • "Well done. The Blitz Motor hasn't run this hot in a long time."
  • "My power will strike down any adversary!"
  • "I'm still on a mission. I can't lose until I see it through."