Character Introduction [ ]
Let sorrows pile upon me. I will face them all to my fullest extent! Commencing anti-tank combat ! Engage! I am the indomitable Thunder God!
Battle Quotes [ ]
"I am the storm." (Idle)
"Eh?! How are you're still standing?!" (6k damage)
"May you rest, soldier." (8k damage)
"I am the Thunder God! I do not know defeat." (10k damage)
"Here!" (Reversal Action)
"Come on!" (Reversal Action)
"Duh-oh!" (Grab fail)
"Too slow!" (Throw Escape)
"Outrageous!" (Throw Escape)
"What the-!" (Escaped Throw)
"Mission accepted!" (Duo Change)
"Affirmative!" (Duo Change)
"My score is enlightened!" (Cross Combo)
"Free from desire!" (Cross Combo)
"You need to stand down." (Cross Combo Duo Change)
"I trust you." (Cross Combo Duo Change)
"I can't be defeated!" (Defeated)
"It will take... more than... Death ..." (Defeated)
"I'll make this hurt!" (When partner is down)
"I hope you're ready!" (When partner is down)
"Failure becomes me." (Time Up)
"You've got some fight." (Time Up)
"Blitz Motor, maximized!" (Resonance Blaze)
"Eeeeyaaaahh!!!" (Resonance Blaze)
"Roar of Thunder!" (Performing Astral Heat)
"Eahhh!!!" (Performing Astral Heat)
"May the blossoming of my country forever bloom! Ze-yah! Let evil scatter before me! Zen-Ouka-Kai!" (Astral Heat)
Assist Quotes [ ]
"After them!" (any partner skill character)
"Come!" (any partner skill character)
Pre-Battle Interactions [ ]
BlazBlue [ ]
Ragna the Bloodedge
Ragna: I'm warnin' ya, I don't know how to go easy.
Akatsuki: I'm counting on it. Charge!
Iron Tager
Tager: Voltage, hydraulics, all green. Revolution threshold exceeded...!
Akatsuki: Engine activated... Battle voltage achieved!
Makoto Nanaya
Akatsuki: Have you devised a strategy?
Makoto: You bet! Get in there and kick their asses!
Akatsuki: Roger that.
Azrael: You got somethin' tasty on ya, don't you?
Akatsuki: Hm? No food to my knowledge...
Naoto Kurogane
Naoto K.: Whoever these guys are, they won't be easy...
Akatsuki: And neither will we!
Jubei Mitsuyoshi
Akatsuki: Ah, a sword-wielding cat... I'm clearly delirious.
Jubei: Don't worry, I won't slow ya down none.
Persona 4 Arena [ ]
Yosuke Hanamura
Akatsuki: I am the Thunder God!
Yosuke: Guess that makes me the Wind God!
Akihiko Sanada
Akatsuki: Whether it be a sea of blades or a hail of bullets!
Akihiko: No obstacle can stand in our way!
Akatsuki: Aegis, watch my six!
Aegis: Roger. I will keep you safe!
Under Night In-Birth [ ]
Hyde Kido
Akatsuki: Prepare yourselves for an all-out war!
Hyde: Yeah! Wait, no, that sounds nuts!
Orie Ballardiae
Akatsuki: You have a burden on your shoulders, too.
Orie: Yes. Which is why I cannot back down here.
Hilda the Paradox
Hilda: Now, how can we best tease these two?
Akatsuki: Do not underestimate them. Use your full power and win.
RWBY [ ]
Yang Xiao Long
Yang: No holds barred! I'm cranking up to 11!
Akatsuki: Then I shall follow in kind!
Arcana Heart [ ]
Heart Aino
Heart: Let's give 'em a big serving of love!
Akatsuki: Love!?
Generic [ ]
Let misfortune pile upon me!
If you wish to defeat me then bring an army!
Sorry, but I'll be taking the lead.
I will snuff out every spark that rains upon me!
I entrust my back to you!
All troops! Engage!
Victory Interactions [ ]
BlazBlue [ ]
Ragna the Bloodedge
Ragna: You heard what I said. I don't go easy.
Akatsuki: A little late for regrets now.
Iron Tager
Akatsuki: Combatants neutralized. Battle complete.
Tager: Hardly any need for a damage report.
Makoto Nanaya
Makoto: Yikes. Think we should've dialed that back a bit?
Akatsuki: Negative. We should refrain from deploying power incrimentally.
Azrael: That thing's got some kick to it! Not bad!
Akatsuki: Ah, so that's what's tasty...
Naoto Kurogane
Akatsuki: They made for worthy foes.
Naoto K.: Ones who I never wanna see again.
Jubei Mitsuyoshi
Jubei: Thinkin' a little more clearly now?
Akatsuki: It seems an apology is in order...
Persona 4 Arena [ ]
Yosuke Hanamura
Akatsuki: Battle complete.
Yosuke: Thunder and Wind, still kickin' ass!
Akihiko Sanada
Akatsuki: Go back to bootcamp, rookie.
Akihiko: Train up and challenge us again.
Akatsuki: We've won. You make for a fine aegis, Aegis.
Aegis: And you a fine commander. It was an honor.
Under Night In-Birth [ ]
Hyde Kido
Akatsuki: Now to interrogate them.
Hyde: Righ-- gah! No, dammit, calm down!
Orie Ballardiae
Orie: We will not be swayed from our purpose.
Akatsuki: Not until our missions are complete.
Hilda the Paradox
Hilda: Ahahaha! Was I a little too playful?
Akatsuki: And that was only a third of her power...
RWBY [ ]
Yang Xiao Long
Yang: Wow! Talk about electrifying!
Akatsuki: Perhaps my voltage was too high.
Arcana Heart [ ]
Heart Aino
Heart: Now you know the power of love!
Akatsuki: Love's more dangerous than I thought.
Generic [ ]
"I am the indomitable Thunder God!"
"I expected more... You should know your place."
"Situation contained. Resuming mission."
"Even if my body dies, my soul will protect my country!"
"Is that all you got?" (Win by Time Up)
"Stand up, you coward!" (Win by Time Up)
"None will stand in our way!" (with a different partner)
"Cooperative mission: successful." (with a different partner)
Victory Screen Interactions [ ]
BlazBlue [ ]
Ragna the Bloodedge
Akatsuki: What immense power... "Grim Reaper" is certainly appropriate.
Ragna: Heh. Says the "Thunder God". You were pretty wild back there too.
Iron Tager
Tager: I've gotten a good look at your skills now. The way you tear across the battlefield really is worthy of the moniker "Thunder God".
Akatsuki: I'm just grateful I lived long enough to fight alongside the "Red Devil".
Makoto Nanaya
Akatsuki: You fight with a certain purity and strength. I think I'd like to spar with you one day.
Makoto: You're no slouch yourself! If you wanna go, I'm always down for a brawl!
Akatsuki: The Blitz Motor's not something you can control. I wouldn't get too fixated, if I were you.
Azrael: I don't wanna control it, I wanna feast on it! It's the only way I can satisfy my hunger!
Naoto Kurogane
Naoto K.: Man... all these crazy numbers all over the place. This world is messed up.
Akatsuki: I've grown accustomed to fighting in worlds unknown. The key is maintaining an unwavering resolve.
Jubei Mitsuyoshi
Akatsuki: I was shocked by your appearance, but once you drew the blade, I knew I was working with a formidable warrior. Do forgive me for my initial rudeness.
Jubei: Ah, don't sweat it. Nowadays, I'm just a babysitter for my no-good disciple. Still, I'm not about to let some fresh-faced soldier boy show me up.
Persona 4 Arena [ ]
Yosuke Hanamura
Akatsuki: Gah... I overused my Blitz Motor... Never expected to be undone by an empty stomach.
Yosuke: Whoa, you look pretty bad! Oh, man... I'll go buy you something to eat, so just hang in there!
Akihiko Sanada
Akihiko: How 'bout it, Akatsuki? You up for a match with me? My fists are callin' out for another fight!
Akatsuki: I'd step into the ring... But do you mind if I refuel first?
Akatsuki: You're a walking arsenal... So many weapons, so much technical might! Could I please... ask you to train me?
Aegis: Your Blitz Motor was impressive too, Akatsuki-san! You were moving as fast and striking as hard as lightning!
Under Night In-Birth [ ]
Hyde Kido
Akatsuki: You're no ordinary schoolboy... Do you intend to do something with all that power?
Hyde: Who knows? For now, I can at least keep the people close to us safe.
Orie Ballardiae
Akatsuki: Orie... I feel as though I saw you in a soap opera once, long ago. Déjà vu or not, you're an excellent combatant.
Orie: I humbly accept your compliment. It's an honor to fight with another champion of law and order.
Hilda the Paradox
Akatsuki: Excuse me, ma'am. Your rather... geisha-like outfit may invite some misunderstandings about our relationship. Couldn't you wear something more... modest?
Hilda: Ugh... Ugly, smelly, AND stupid. This is why I don't like straight-laced men. I'll do what I damn well please.
RWBY [ ]
Yang Xiao Long
Akatsuki: Gauntlets with a revolving magazine... So you fire at your enemies while you punch them? I...would hesitate to call that sane.
Yang: You know you've got an engine inside your stomach, right? It doesn't matter how sane it is, as long as it's cool.
Arcana Heart [ ]
Heart Aino
Heart: Love can't be defeated! It can accomplish anything in the world!
Akatsuki: Given the outcome of our fight, I've no choice but to agree.
Generic [ ]
"Your skills are...remarkable. Can I interest you in joining the army?"
"If I may, can I ask you where I can get a bite to eat?"
"Well done. The Blitz Motor hasn't run this hot in a long time."
"My power will strike down any adversary!"
"I'm still on a mission. I can't lose until I see it through."