Persona (ペルソナ, Perusona), also known as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (真・女神天性: ペルソナ, Shin Megami Tensei: Perusona) is a metaseries spin-off series of Megami Tensei series in mostly turn-based RPG created by Atlus (later parented with Sega following the Index Corporation bankruptcy, after Persona 4 Arena’s release).
Persona Arena series is spin-off fighting game sequel to the original RPG of Persona games co-developed with Arc System Works' Team BlazBlue, starting from continuing the story of Persona 4 (mainly its Golden update), with additional characters from Persona 3. In the past during Arc System Works’ foundation of its first original IP Guilty Gear series, Atlus had a publishing history on the North American release of the first Guilty Gear game, Guilty Gear: The Missing Link. It all started when Persona 4 director Katsura Hashino wanted to make Persona fighting game, until BlazBlue came out, as he began to request Arc System Works for this game development in 2008, which eventually be accepted for their collaborations, with Atlus in charge of the plot, script and character designs, while Arc System Works has Team BlazBlue handle the gameplay system. Arc System Works announced in 2018 that the future third Persona Arena game is currently planned.
In BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, when the user’s Persona is hit, the user’s health will deplete as well, akin to the effect that was first shown in Persona 4 Animation and Manga adaptions instead of the having Persona 4 Arena’s separated Persona Health Bar.
Main Fighting Games:
- Persona 4 Arena
- Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
- Upcoming Persona 5 Fighting Game (in-development)
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