Blazbluextag Wiki
Overview Gameplay Image Gallery Quotes

Character Introduction[]

  • Get in my way, and I'll get rid of you!

Battle Quotes[]

  • "Shadow!" (performing Shadow Scare at end of 5B)
  • "Shadow Scare!" (performing Shadow Scare at end of 5B)
  • "Impairling Shadow!" (unused line)
  • "Pierce the earth!" (unused line)
  • "Scatter in silence!" (unused line)
  • "Bloom in the abyss!" (unused line)
  • "Shred!"
  • "Split the sky!"
  • "Consume!"
  • "Cut you down!"
  • "How's that!?"
  • "Slash!"
  • "Shackle!"
  • "Hot! Hot! Hot!" (burn status)
  • "P-Poison?!" (poison status)
  • "Whaaaa?!" (Throw whiff)
  • "Not a chance!" (Throw escape)
  • "Let me go!" (Throw escape)
  • "I see you!" (Reject Guard)
  • "You watching? Infinite Rift!" (Using EX Vacant Shift)
  • "Are you ready? Countless blades shall carve your flesh!" (Using EX Vacant Shift)
  • "Cut though everything! Vacant Shift!" (Using EX Vacant Shift)
  • "Vacant!" (Using Vacant Shift)
    • "Shift!" (Using 2nd Vacant Shift)
      • "Cut you down!" (Using 3rd Vacant Shift)
  • "First!" (Using Vacant Shift)
    • "Second!" (Using 2nd Vacant Shift)
      • "Third!" (Using 3rd Vacant Shift)
  • "One!" (Using Vacant Shift)
    • "Two!" (Using 2nd Vacant Shift)
      • "Three!" (Using 3rd Vacant Shift)
  • "Fire!" (Using Black Orbiter)
  • "Orbiter!" (Using Black Orbiter)
  • "Try this on!" (Using Black Orbiter or EX Black Orbiter)
  • "Swallow that hole!" (Using Black Orbiter or Ex Black Orbiter)
  • "Black Orbiter!" (Using Black Orbiter or Ex Black Orbiter)
  • "Slash through!" (Using Pale Bringer)
  • "Dark Lotus!" (Using Dark Lotus)
  • "Devour!" (Using Dark Lotus)
  • "Explode!" (Using Dark Lotus)
  • "Sinister!" (Using Bend Sinister)
  • "One more!" (Using Bend Sinister)
  • "Fly!" (Using Red-Clad Cleaver)
  • "Gotcha!" (Using Red-Clad Cleaver or successful grab)
  • "Cleaver!" (Using Red-Clad Cleaver)
  • "Come on, get over here!" (idle)
  • "That all you got?" (Defending)
  • "Not good!" (taking damage)
  • "Come on!" (taking damage)
  • "Up we go!" (recovering)
  • "Yikes!" (recovering)
  • "Wha?" (Grab fail)
  • "I don't think so!" (Cross Burst)
  • "Stop!" (Cross Burst)
  • "It hurts..." (Defeated)
  • "Not...bad..." (Defeated)
  • *sigh* "Seriously?" (Time Up)
  • "What the hell?" (Time Up)
  • "Now, I'm mad!" (remaining player)
  • "It's not over yet!" (remaining player)
  • "You see that?" (6k damage)
  • "How was that?" (8k damage)
  • "You want more?" (10k damage)
  • "Like the shroud of darkness... Crimson Edge!" (when using Distortion Skill, Pale Bringer Arrows)
  • "Now, I'm serious. Pale Bringer!" (when using Distortion Skill, Pale Bringer Arrows)
  • "Going all out....Slash Through.....Rupture!" (when using Distortion Skill, Pale Bringer Arrows)
  • "Obvious! Pale Bringer! Hah!!" (when using Distortion Skill, Pale Bringer Arrows)
  • "Your eternal rest... Gyre Vortex!" (when using Distortion Skill, Gyre Vortex)
  • "Cut through the end of time... Gyre Vortex!" (when using Distortion Skill, Gyre Vortex)
  • "It all rests on this!" (following up with Distortion Skill Duo)
  • "It ends here!" (following up with Distortion Skill Duo)
  • "Manifestation!" (activating Resonance Blaze)
  • "EXS Unleashed!" (activating Resonance Blaze)
  • "I'm not finished! Better not die on me! Raging Roar!" (when using Astral Skill, Raging Roar)

Assist Quotes[]

  • "Come!" (any partner skill character or Carmine Prime, Vatista and Mika Returna for a partner skill)
  • "Get'em!" (any partner skill character or Gordeau the Harvester, Merkava and Vatista for a partner skill)
  • "Ragna!" (when calling Ragna the Bloodedge for a partner skill)
  • "Let's do this, Ragna!" (when calling Ragna the Bloodedge for a partner skill)
  • "Narukami!" (when calling Yu Narukami for a partner skill)
  • "Help me out, Narukami!" (when calling Yu Narukami for a partner skill)
  • "Ruby!" (when calling Ruby Rose for a partner skill)
  • "Your up, Ruby!" (when calling Ruby Rose for a partner skill)
  • "Heart!" (when calling Heart Aino for a partner skill)
  • "Punch'em, Heart!" (when calling Heart Aino for a partner skill)
  • "Yumi!" (when calling Yumi for a partner skill)
  • "Let's see your dance!" (when calling Yumi for a partner skill)
  • "Linne!" (when calling Linne for a partner skill)
  • "Let's go, Linne!" (when calling Linne for a partner skill)
  • "Old Man!" (when calling Waldstein for a partner skill)
  • "Keep up, Old Man!" (when calling Waldstein for a partner skill)
  • "Carmine!" (when calling Carmine Prime for a partner skill)
  • "Harada!" (when calling Orie Ballardiae for a partner skill)
  • "Don't overdo it!" (when calling Orie Ballardiae for a partner skill)
  • "Gordeau!" (when calling Gordeau the Harvester for a partner skill)
  • "Merkava!" (when calling Merkava for a partner skill)
  • "Vatista!" (when calling Vatista for a partner skill)
  • "Seth!" (when calling Seth the Assassin for a partner skill)
  • "Don't screw this up!" (when calling Seth the Assassin for a partner skill)
  • "Yuzu!" (when calling Yuzuriha for a partner skill)
  • "Get'em, Yuzu!" (when calling Yuzuriha for a partner skill)
  • "Hilda!" (when calling Hilda the Paradox for a partner skill)
  • "We're doing this!" (when calling Hilda the Paradox for a partner skill)
  • "Mika!" (when calling Mika Returna for a partner skill)

Pre-Battle Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Ragna: Cut straight through and take ’em down. You got a problem with that?
Hyde: Not at all. That’s what I always do.

Noel Vermillion

Noel: Please surrender, there's no need for us to fight.
Hyde: Yeah... I don't think that's gonna work. Sorry.

Iron Tager

Hyde: Are you ready for my real strength?
Tager: Calm down, rookie. First, we have to analyze the enemy's movements.

Mai Natsume

Hyde: Stand back! I can't let a girl lead the charge.
Mai: Uh, hehehehe. Thanks, but, uh, well, that's a can of worms.

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yu Narukami

Hyde: I don't pull my punches. No promises you won't get caught up in the crossfire.
Yu : Not a problem! Don't hold back on my account, Persona!

Naoto Shirogane

Hyde: So you think you can control my power?
Naoto S.: Not an issue. I have a plan.


Hyde: Hey... you're not able to do a rocket punch or anything...are you?
Aegis: No, but my sister is equipped with a Chain Knuckle, though.
Hyde: Seriously?! Sweet!

Tohru Adachi

Adachi: Go get 'em, kiddo. You look like a real rabble-rouser.
Hyde: I am! --Hey, you're fighting too, you know!

Under Night In-Birth[]


Hyde: Don't worry, I'll protect you!
Linne: Hmph. That's MY line, you amateur.


Waldstein: I can feel it now! My blood is boiling!
Hyde: Geez. Don't give yourself a heart attack old man.

Orie Ballardiae

Orie: Let's go, Kido. Think you're ready?
Hyde: Whenever you are, Harada.


Hyde: Guess I’ll have to hit you with everything I’ve got!
Vatista: No worries. I’ll sure you you’ll survive.

Seth the Assassin

Seth: Let's see how well your Insulator cuts.
Hyde: Just watch. Time to go to work!


Yuzuriha: C'mon, Hyde. Show Big Sis how cool you are.
Hyde: Sure! Just watch me!

Hilda the Paradox

Hilda: Well now, have you finally decided to join our side?
Hyde: Hell no. Now focus on the fight.


Ruby Rose

Hyde: If you're scared, you can just stand back and watch.
Ruby: Same to you, Hyde. You don’t have to fight if you’re scared of me showing you up.
Hyde: Roger tha-! W-wait, hold on!

Blake Belladonna

Blake: I don't fight for the sake of violence.
Hyde: I'm just trying to put on the fire here. Gimme a break...

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: Please accept my love!
Hyde: You're not...asking me out, are you?

Senran Kagura[]


Yumi: I will show you the path of the shinobi.
Hyde: Just don't hurt-- Hold up, you're a ninja?!

Akatsuki En-Eins[]


Akatsuki: Prepare yourselves for an all-out war!
Hyde: Yeah! Wait, no, that sounds nuts!


  • Move. I can handle this alone.
  • Stand in my way...and I'll put you down..
  • I can feel the air...vibrating...
  • It's finish this!
  • We'll show you our strength!
  • Come...Insulator!

Victory Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Hyde: Sorry, I don't have any more time to waste on you!
Ragna: Ha, kid's got some stones.

Noel Vermillion

Noel: I-I'm sorry! I should have held back!
Hyde: Why apologize? They had it coming.

Iron Tager

Hyde: Is that all you got? That's disappointing.
Tager: Still so green, but you got potential.

Mai Natsume

Mai: That settles it, huh?
Hyde: Yeah, thanks to you.

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yu Narukami

Hyde: So that's the power of the bond, huh?
Yu: Yeah. This is my-- no, our power!

Naoto Shirogane

Hyde: We won. What the hell are you?
Naoto S.: Heh, nothing special. Just a detective.


Hyde: Umm... Are you sure about that?
Aegis: Don't worry. That won't kill ya.

Tohru Adachi

Adachi: I like your spirit! That's how kids should be!
Hyde: Still not gonna fight for you, man.

Under Night In-Birth[]


Linne: Beyond lies only the darkness of night.
Hyde: If you're not ready for it, then go home.


Hyde: This is the essence of my power.
Waldstein: Hehehe. And you say I get worked up.

Orie Ballardiae

Orie: Phew, that was...quite an extracurricular.
Hyde: Man, I miss the days when school was all we had to worry about.


Hyde: Sorry. I’ve never been good at holding back.
Vatista: Well you still have your body, so you should be okay.

Seth the Assassin

Hyde: So, worthy enough for you?
Seth: What a joke. That was nothing to be proud of.


Yuzuriha: You've gotten so strong. Big Sis is so proud of you.
Hyde: Hey, cut it out, Yuzu!

Hilda the Paradox

Hilda: You've grown into quite the man. I like it.
Hyde: Pfft. I can't deal with you.


Ruby Rose

Ruby: Aww, it's over? It was starting to get fun. Aww, too bad.
Hyde: Understand now? Even Lady Luck has given up on you.

Blake Belladonna

Hyde: It was self-defense. Don't hold it against me.
Blake: Maybe from your perspective.

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: Love has been served with all of our hearts!
Hyde: You know what you're about, I'll give you that...

Senran Kagura[]


Yumi: This is the path I've chosen.
Hyde: Still getting serious ninja vibes here...

Akatsuki En-Eins[]


Akatsuki: Now to interrogate them.
Hyde: Righ-- gah! No, dammit, calm down!


  • "And stay down!"
  • "That wasn't even a warm up."
  • "You guys weren't half-bad yourself."
  • "If I were you, I'll be cursing my luck right now."
  • "No battle is endless!" (Win by time out)
  • "Almost had me there!" (Win by time out)
  • "What the hell?" (Lose by time out)
  • "Ugh. Seriously?" (Lose by time out)
  • "Are you hurt? Don't push yourself too hard." (With a random partner)
  • "Looks like we were a cut above." (With a random partner)

Victory Screen Interactions[]


Ragna the Bloodedge

Ragna: Go home, kid. From here on out, your life's on the line.
Hyde: Little too late to worry about that. It has been ever since that fateful night...

Noel Vermillion

Noel: What sort of world is this... ? How long must we keep fighting?
Hyde: It doesn't matter. We just have to take this as far as we can.

Iron Tager

Hyde: Man, what the hell is with you? “Green” this, “rookie” that… Come at me and I’ll show you just how strong I am.
Tager: You just proved my point, Rookie. A soldier who ignores the battlefield to focus on himself is second-rate. Watch your opponents, the flow of battle, and above all, your allies. Only then can you call yourself strong.

Mai Natsume

Hyde: Sorry, I shouldn't have underestimated you just because you're a girl. I won't tell you to stay back anymore. Let's fight together!
Mai: S-Sure! I look forward to working with you! (Well, that wasn't really what I was getting at earlier, but... Hmm...)

Persona 4 Arena[]

Yu Narukami

Yu: The "EXS", huh... I can't see any limit to its power... Just how strong is it?
Hyde: Woah! Just don't jump in front of me like that! I mean, you're good, but my right hand won't listen to me.

Naoto Shirogane

Naoto S.: Your powers were more intense than I had predicted. If you take so much as one wrong step, we risk serious injury.
Hyde: Don't take this the wrong way, but you shouldn't come near me. I haven't been able to control my power since I got here...and I don't want to hurt you.


Hyde: My overflowing... My arm won't stop aching! Hey! Run while you can! I'm not sure I can hold this back much longer!...
Aegis: Judging from your symptoms, it seems that you have either myalgia or neuralgia. I recommend that you visit a medical facility before your symptoms get worse.

Tohru Adachi

Hyde: Can you at least pretend to take this seriously!? You're a responsible adult, right? Or is that suit just for show?
Adachi: I'm so damn tired of pretending... And I gave up that label a long time ago...

Under Night In-Birth[]


Hyde: I can take care of myself, Linne. Let me continue to fight by your side.
Linne: Do whatever you want. Just don't become a sacrifice.


Hyde: What now, old man? Still wanna treat me like a kid?
Waldstein: Don't make me laugh boy. You're barely breaking out of your shell. Talk to me again when your arms are the size of your torso.

Orie Ballardiae

Hyde: Geez, this is weird... Never thought I’d be fighting alongside you, Harada.
Orie: P-Please keep this a secret from everyone in the class.


Hyde: Man, I just wanna go home already… How much longer are the two of us gonna have to fight?
Vatista: To borrow a human phrase, “God only knows.” Though, “A bad idea is worse than none at all” may also apply.

Seth the Assassin

Seth: Unrefined, sluggish, and worst of all, naive. You really think you're worthy of carrying the Insulator-- the Night Blade's masterpiece?
Hyde: I do. I can carry anything the Night Blade throws at me. Including Linne's wish.


Yuzuriha: Hey, Hyde, gimme a back massage. Oh, and I'm thirsty, so bring me some tea. And don't forget the rice crackers!
Hyde: Ugh... I swear, Yuzu, you're unbelievable...

Hilda the Paradox

Hilda: Aww, what a waste. With the Insulator, you could bend the Night to your will.
Hyde: If that's a joke, I'm not laughing. I've put my life on the line to prevent that from ever happening. Me and the Princess of the Night Blade both.


Ruby Rose

Hyde: Whether here or in the Hollow Night, I can't avoid fighting. Sorry, Ruby. I'd like your help, but I don't want to subject you to these endless attacks.
Ruby: Naw, it's okay! As a Huntress, it's my duty to help those in need!'s kind of exciting! Hehe. ♪

Blake Belladonna

Blake: It's just constant fighting, both here and at home... I just want a little rest.
Hyde: We both just want boring lives. But I guess we've got a lot more suffering to do.

Arcana Heart[]

Heart Aino

Heart: So that's what you can do... That's really cool! Try not to burn yourself out, though.
Hyde: I'm trying. But there are some things worth giving my all for. I can't half ass anything when the stakes are so high.

Senran Kagura[]


Yumi: As two people who entrust themselves into the night. I think we get along quite well. Though I'm still immature in my training, I hope we can continue to work together.
Hyde: Th-That's awfully polite of you, thanks...But seriously, you are a ninja, right?

Akatsuki En-Eins[]


Akatsuki: You're no ordinary schoolboy... Do you intend to do something with all that power?
Hyde: Who knows? For now, I can at least keep the people close to us safe.


  • "Sorry but there's something I must do. And I can't lose until it's done."
  • "So you guys really aren't Amnesia? Then we have no reason to fight anymore."
  • "I'm sure we both have our reasons to fight. So you should know why I can't back down."
  • "All I wanted was a normal life. But as long as I have this power, it seems like trouble will always find me."
  • "I don't know how to hold back in a fight. I hate to ask, but can I count on you to hold me back when I go too far? It's not like I want to do it."
  • "Holy shit. If I try to take them on alone, I wouldn't be here right now."
  • "I owe you one. I need to do some training."