Get a load of these mooks... You ready? Better not fall behind!
Battle Quotes[]
"Let's DO this!" (Idle)
"I nailed it!" (8k damage)
"Catch ya later!" (10k damage)
"No!" (Hurt)
"Not good!" (Hurt)
"For real?!" (Hurt)
"Guah! Not good." (Took massive damage)
"Ee-Dizzy!" (Hurt Launched)
"Dang." (Recovering)
"C'mon!" (B)
"Come on out!" (B)
"Go, Ariadne!" (B follow-up)
"Lead the way, Ariadne!" (B follow-up)
"Persona!" (B follow-up/Down B)
"On top!" (Down B)
"Down you go!" (Down C)
"Whoops!" (Down C)
"Ariadne!" (Air C)
"Summon!" (Air C)
"Punch!" (Chain Knuckle, A)
"I'll smack ya!" (Chain Knuckle, A)
"Blam!" (Chain Knuckle, A)
"Go!" (B/Chain Knuckle, B)
"Stretch!" (Chain Knuckle, B)
"Chain Knuckle!" (Chain Knuckle, B)
"There ya go!!" (Winch Dash)
"Guillotine!" (Guillotine Axe, A)
"You're mine!" (Guillotine Axe, A)
"No escape!" (Guillotine Axe, B)
"Slam!" (Guillotine Axe, B)
"Guillotine Axe!" (Guillotine Axe, B)
"Why you?!" (Guillotine Aerial, A)
"Get down!" (Guillotine Aerial, A)
"Dive!" (Guillotine Aerial, B/C)
"Aerial!" (Guillotine Aerial, B/C)
"Watch your head!" (Guillotine Aerial, B/C)
"Here I go! I'll blow you away!" (Weaver's Art: Beast)
"I see ya! Yee-yah!" (Weaver's Art: Beast)
"A little bonus!" (after Weaver's Art: Beast EX)
"Take this too!" (after Weaver's Art: Beast EX)
"Time for some educational discipline!" (after Weaver's Art: Beast)
"I'm gonna smack ya! Hee-yah!" (Brutal Impact)
"This is getting fun! So long!" (Brutal Impact)
"Ready? Smash!" (Brutal Impact Charged)
"Enough's...enough!" (Brutal Impact Charged)
"Fallout! Take this!" (Brutal Impact after partner's Distortion Skill)
"This is for fun. Hee-yah!" (Brutal Impact after partner's Distortion Skill)
"Here I come!" (Reversal Action)
"Axe slash!" (Reversal Action)
"5th Gen!" (Reversal Action)
"Head's up!" (Clash)
"Get lost!" (Clash Finish)
"Now!" (Clash)
"I ain't holding back!" (Clashing)
"Take this!" (Clash Finish)
"You're open!" (Partner Attack)
"I'll clobber ya!" (Partner Attack)
"Nice try!" (Partner Attack, Left)
"I see ya!" (Partner Attack, Left)
"Whatda ya think of this?" (Partner Attack, Right)
"Get'em, Ariadne!" (Partner Attack, Right)
"Here I go!" (Partner Attack, Right)
"Get out of here!" (Throw Escape)
"Nothin' doin'!" (Throw Escape)
"That's low." (Escaped Throw)
"Ka' let's go!" (Partner Switch)
"I really...messed up..." (Defeated)
"I ain't losin'!" (When partner is down)
"Now, you're in trouble!" (When partner is down)
"That didn't work." (Time Up)
"Ow...I'm beat." (Time Up)
"It can't end like this!" (Resonance Blaze)
"I gotta do this!" (Resonance Blaze)
"What do you think of this? Eat this! Yee-yah-yah-yah-yah-yah! No second chances! You're done!" (Weaver's Art: Inquisition, Astral Heat)
"Get'em, Ariadne! Yee-yah! Take that! And that! And that! Annnnnnd THAT! Y'all in some punishment! Sheee-yah!" (Weaver's Art: Inquisition, Astral Heat)
Assist Quotes[]
"Thanks!" (any partner skill character)
"Appreciated!" (any partner skill character)
"Narukami-kun!" (when calling Yu Narukami for a partner skill)
"Go!" (when calling Yu Narukami and Yukiko Amagi for a partner skill)
"Hanamura-kun!" (when calling Yosuke Hanamura for a partner skill)
"Finish'em!" (when calling Yosuke Hanamura for a partner skill)
"Chie!" (when calling Chie Satonaka for a partner skill)
"Let's go!" (when calling Chie Satonaka, Naoto Shirogane and Akihiko Sanada for a partner skill)
"Yukiko!" (when calling Yukiko Amagi for a partner skill)
"Kanji-kun!" (when calling Kanji Tatsumi for a partner skill)
"Take'em down!" (when calling Kanji Tatsumi for a partner skill)
"Teddie-san!" (when calling Teddie for a partner skill)
"Give it up, knight!" (when calling Teddie for a partner skill)
"Shirogane-kun!" (when calling Naoto Shirogane for a partner skill)
"Mitsuru-san!" (when calling Mitsuru Kirijo for a partner skill)
"Please and thank you!" (when calling Mitsuru Kirijo for a partner skill)
"Sanada-san!" (when calling Akihiko Sanada for a partner skill)
Aegis: Our partnership knows no rivals. I feel like we're unbeatable together, Sis!
Labrys: Lemme learn ya somethin', Aegis. Times like these, ya wanna be a little more expressive. Just watch. Ya use your entire body and go "YEAH! WE WIN!" Capisce?
Linne: It must be convenient to have a machine body. Even though my life is eternal, my bodies are still mortal. It's a real pain when you wind up in the body of an infant and can't move properly for a few years.
Labrys: Well, bodies like these are a lot of work. You've gotta get maintenance, and things can malfunction... It's not as easy as ya might think.
Labrys: Oh, I forgot to retract my Chain Knuckle. Was I daydreamin' or somethin'?
Yuzuriha: H-Hey! Don't leave any of your body parts behind! My neighbors already give me enough looks because of the sword, body parts might get me arrested.
Labrys: Now I get why you're the leader of Team RWBY. Ya got the skills for one thing, but you also seem to really enjoy fightin'. Can you teach me how to do that?
Ruby: When you're fighting, you don't have to worry about personal drama or anything, just the fight! Remember, simple is best! Ahh, that was fun.
Yang: Wow, Labrys, the way you fight is so wild! And the whole robot thing you've goin' on is super cute, too. You're awesome!
Labrys: Huh? I'm not sure if you're jokin' or not, but... Thanks. That makes me kinda happy.
You kinda gotta smash into someone to form a bond with them. That's what helps us get stronger. And the stronger ya are, the better you can protect your friends.
I am... Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon Type-5, Labrys of the Shadow Operatives! And don't you forget it!
We win this time! Thanks for the battle, it was a blast!
I feel like a new lady thanks to that maintenance I got done! So, who's next? I can take anybody on!
You guys are pretty tough. If we weren't payin' attention, we'da lost for sure.